Monday, April 13, 2009

How do you kill nuisance lilac bushes?

There is no such thing as nuisance lilac.

All lilacs are beautiful.

But an herbicide would kill it roots and all.

How do you kill nuisance lilac bushes?

I still believe there are no %26#039;nuisance%26#039; lilacs.

But you have the right to your own opinions.

Too bad we don%26#039;t live near each other. I would take every one of your %26quot;nuisance Lilacs%26quot;.

LOL Report It

Reply:Prune the bottom of the bush and remove the new growths

Donate them to be planted else where..
Reply:Don%26#039;t think lilacs are a nuisance, if maintained properly they can be a very pretty shrub bush. But you can remove the bush and its roots very simply if you do not enjoy their beauty. Get your shovel out and start digging.
Reply:That%26#039;s an oxymoron in my book!!!! Lilac bushes are NOT a nuisance!!!
Reply:Any weed killer poured at the base of the plant where it will reach the roots should kill the plant within 3 months. We accidentally got too close to our lilac when treating the grass for weeds, so a normal weed protection dosage should do it.
Reply:Lilac bush is not a nuisance, but its suckers are. You are talking about suckers popping up everywhere near the bush, right? Mine does the same, but I just pull or cut them off at the ground level as soon as I see it. I don%26#039;t think you can do much about it. If you use chemicals, it might kills the whole bush.
Reply:From a pyromaniac....with FIRE!!!!!

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